
We, Yamato Travel&Business, consider the appropriate protection and use of customers’ personal information tobe part of corporate social responsibility and have adopted the following privacy policy.

  1. Collection of personal information We collect information that can identify you personally (“personal information”) in order to render various services through registration, application, and other means. In such cases, we clearly mention the purpose of use and obtain your consent in advance. We will not collect any personal information without your consent.
  2. Purpose of use of personal information We use personal information only within the scope of the indicated purposes of such collection. It will not be used for any other purpose.
  3. Provision of personal information Except in the following cases, we shall not provide nor disclose customers’ personal information to third parties.
    • If required by laws, regulations, or ordinances
    • If required by the police, court, or public authorities based on laws, regulations, or ordinances
    • If required to protect human life, personal safety or property when it is difficult to obtain consent
    • If we obtain consent in advance to provide or disclose personal information to such third parties
    • If we entrust personal information to another party, under our appropriate supervision, to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use
  4. Protection of personal information To prevent unauthorized access to personal information, as well as the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information, we have implemented technical safety measures, such as the introduction of unauthorized access prevention systems, and organizational safety measures, such as appointing of a personal information management officer and developing a manual for the handling of personal information. In addition, we will take corrective measures in advance to respond immediately to unforeseen circumstances.
  5. Compliance and improvement of protection system for personal information We comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards with regard to the handling of personal information. In addition, we will strive to improve the protection of personal information by continuously reviewing our internal rules and related regulations, employee training, safety measures, organizations and systems, etc., regarding the protection of personal information, and reviewing the handling of personal information (the Privacy Policy) based on these rules and regulations.
  6. Personal information on the website Access history We collect information such as the date and time of access, the domain from which the site was accessed, which page, etc. on our web servers. This is a common practice in web server operations and is principally used to survey the popularity of a page. It is used only as statistical information and does not identify you personally. Cookies As part of our efforts to improve the convenience of our services, our website uses a technology called “cookies.” Cookies are a technology that temporarily stores information entered on pages, etc., on your computer. For example, if you enter some information on a certain page, and then use it on another page or the next time you access the site, cookies can save you from having to enter the information twice. Our website uses cookies only as a technology to improve the convenience of our services and does not use them to collect your personal information. You can set your Internet browser to refuse to accept such data, but please note that this may prevent you from using the website properly. Some parts of our website are developed and operated by contractors and partners. We restrict our contractors and partners to those who have signed confidentiality agreements with us regarding personal information and require them to manage and handle such information in the same appropriate manner as we do.

Date:  May 14, 2024

Yamato Travel&Business

Inquiries: webmaster(at)ytb(dot)ne(dot)jp